Once you are completely familiar with the normal feel you will quickly recognise anything abnormal. 1 It is best to do it after your bath or shower because this relaxes the scrotum. 2 First check for any swelling on the skin of the scrotum. 3 Then, using two hands for each testicle, roll each one between your thumbs on one side and your fingers on the other. You are feeling for any part, however small or large, that feels different to the rest of that testicle or to the other testicle. 4 The epididymis is behind the testicle and is the bundle of soft tubes which carry the sperm from the testicle. Not every lump in the scrotum is cancer. But your job is just to find the lump. It is your doctor’s job to decide what it is. Do not assume anything is innocent. If in doubt, check it out. IF YOU ARE STILL CONFUSED ON ANY OF THE ABOVE THEN THERE IS A Q&A HEREWhat To Look For
It only takes a minute and it could save your life. Get in the habit of doing this regularly!